Code of Conduct & Club Policies

Greensmere Golf Club is committed to the equitable and fair treatment of all members, guests, visitors, volunteers, and present and potential employees. The intention of this is to establish clear and acceptable behavior expectations for Greensmere Golf Club members, guests, and visitors.
It is not intended to restrict the rights of anyone but rather to ensure that all members, guests, and visitors can expect to be treated with respect while enjoying their time at the course and clubhouse.

Membership Information


  • Adult & Adult Couples
  • Intermediate (Ages 19-31)
  • Full Time Student (Ages 19-25)
  • Junior Memberships (Ages 10-18)

All categories of memberships have full playing privileges.  Members can participate in club tournaments, leagues, and social events at an extra cost.  Golf Canada fees must be paid by all members, (see attached renewal form).

Handicaps are required to play in all club events.  A minimum of 5 rounds is required to establish a handicap.  You can enter scores by accessing your Golf Canada account by logging in with your ID and Password.  For assistance please contact Nathan, or Bill

  • Members must always act within club policies & procedures. These can be found on the club website and are available from club administration upon request. No member shall be absolved from their effect on any allegation of not having received a copy.
  • Be respectful to all those you meet at Greensmere Golf Club. Respect diversity, different roles and boundaries, and avoid giving offence. Do not engage in any form of sexual, racial, religious discrimination or harassment. Do not conduct yourself in any rude or immoral manner, including the use of profane language, gestures, insults, or other such behavior.
Reserving Tee Times

All members have 7 day booking privileges, (public can book 4 days in advance).  Tee Times can be booked by calling the Pro Shop at (613) 839 7772 or online by clicking the “Book a Tee Time” link on the website.  The policies listed below are intended to optimize the tee sheet, minimize no-shows, therefore giving more members more access to available tee times.

  • Our booking intervals are currently every ten (10) minutes.
  • If you book a twosome or threesome it is likely that you will be grouped with other golfers to make a foursome.
  • Single golfers will not be permitted to book a tee time online unless they are joining an existing twosome or threesome.
  • Members are responsible for ensuring that their booking is accurate. For example:  Do not book for four (4) people unless you are certain there are four (4) people golfing.  The booker of the tee time is responsible for the accuracy of the booking.  Failure to abide by this policy will result in a warning, and further offenses may result in disciplinary action.
  • Any changes and/or cancellations to a tee time are made in advance of arriving for a tee time.
  • Ensure that if your name is added to a reservation by another member that it is a reservation that you plan to attend and does not conflict with another tee time you have reserved. We ask that you make the appropriate cancellations for any spot you have in a tee time you will not be using.
  • If a group shows up with less players than what has been booked without amending the reservation a minimum of 12 hours prior to the tee time, a set fee will be charged to the booker of the tee time for each vacancy.  If you cannot be sure that a fellow golfer will show up – please do not book them!
  • The person who made the booking is responsible to amend or cancel the reservation by either going online 24/7 through the booking system on our website, or by calling the Pro Shop during regular hours of operation.
  • In the event of inclement weather, green fees for no show players may be waived, but we would appreciate a call as a courtesy to others wishing to book tee times. 
On the Course
  • Play will commence on the first tee (or tenth tee on days with a scheduled back nine start). We ask that members do not cut in front of groups that are in the middle of their round.
  • Avoid slow play, apply ready-golf principles, and allow faster golfers to play through if requested by an on-duty Players’ Assistant or Pro Shop Employee. In most instances, golf course employees will not ask any group playing at a 4 hour pace to allow another group to play through.
  • Observe proper golf etiquette as well as local rules of the course. Replace divots or use seed mix, rake bunkers and fix pitch marks.
  • Respect the rights of other players and golf course employees. Golf course employees always have right of way when actively engaged in work on the course – do not play your ball if there is any risk to employees or equipment.
  • Respect the golf course, golf carts and obey all signage on the golf course.
  • Do not engage with other golfers that may be violating our code of contact. Please reach out to our Pro Shop or Players’ Assistants with any concerns.
  • If playing in competition, act honestly on all occasions during play. Conduct yourself in a proper sporting manner and do not knowingly cheat, throw clubs, disrespect employees, officials, or fellow competitors.
  • Mobile phone and portable music volume levels should be kept at an appropriate level that they do not interfere with other golfers
Power Carts

Members aged 19 and over may be eligible to rent a power cart.  A seasonal cart pass may be sold to individuals or couples from the same household.

  • All members aged 19 and over must sign an annual cart waiver
  • All members must adhere to the cart rule of the day, as well as any signage on the golf course.
  • Power carts must stay on the cart path on all par three (3) holes.
  • All other holes have markers at the approaches whereby carts must be on the paths beyond those points.
  • A maximum of two persons are allowed to ride on a power cart. The only exceptions are medical emergencies or when returning to the clubhouse during a thunderstorm or other severe weather occurrences.
  • Two carts will be allowed per foursome:
    • Seasonal cart members have reserved only their seat on the cart and are not permitted to let other golfers hop on for no charge. Seasonal cart members must accept that other golfers may pay for the right to share your cart.
    • Non seasonal cart members are also only paying for their seat (1) on a two seated cart. Please note that single golfers joining a predetermined threesome may be the exception to this rule.
  • Members (all golfers) will be asked to double up on carts whenever possible. If members do not want to share their cart, they will be charged the full cart rate (2 seats).
  • Drive safely – you are responsible for the carts safe return!
Driving Range
  • Range privileges are not included with a golf membership by default. Multi-bucket range passes are available for purchase as well as single use codes.
  • Members (all golfers) are asked to obey all signage on the Driving Range
  • Please practice only from designated hitting areas.
In the Clubhouse
  • Respect clubhouse facilities
  • Greensmere Golf Club provides a family friendly environment and therefore, the use of foul or abusive language such as swearing has no place in the clubhouse and patio area. Where someone is observed consistently using bad language after being warned, their continued membership will be reviewed accordingly. Whilst fully acknowledging that adult banter contributes to increasing a healthy atmosphere amongst members, these rules are to safeguard others who should not have to hear language that they would not personally use or make people feel uncomfortable.
  • Smoking or the use of e-cigarettes is not permitted in the clubhouse or on the patio. Smokers must use the designated areas away from the clubhouse and patio.
  • Be considerate towards others when using your Mobile phone in the clubhouse.
Disciplinary procedures
  • Should the conduct of any Member of the Club give concern to club management; the club will issue a verbal or written warning.  Any violation of the code of conduct after a written warning will lead to a review of playing privileges which may result in suspension or expulsion from the club.

You will be asked to conform to these regulations if you are not wearing proper attire. Members are responsible for advising their guests of the dress regulations. Sweat pants, jogging apparel and tattered clothing are prohibited. NO JEANS are allowed on the course or in the clubhouse during the golf season.

  • WE ARE A SOFT SPIKE FACILITY. Appropriate golf shoes or athletic shoes are to be worn at all times.
  • Dresses, skirts, slacks, capri or bermuda length shorts worn at the proper hip or waist level.
  • Tops must have shoulders.
  • Bare midriffs, mini skirts, short shorts, low necklines, tank tops, and halter tops are prohibited.
  • Slacks or bermuda length shorts worn at the proper hip or waist level.
  • Shirts must be worn and have sleeves.